The Diary of a Brocanteuse

Perfect day for brocante

Savigny en Veron held its annual vide-grenier on July 14th. La rue Basse, fringed with trees and dappled clearings, lead out of the village.  A duck plied its way across a pond solid with emerald weed and an egret stood statuesque, brilliant white in the early slanting sun.  The church bell chimed 7h, birds chirruped, […]


Antiques in Tents – Sunday January 31st

Antiques in Tents have launched their new website with more information about the event in Tewkesbury on Sunday 31st January. Hope to see you there.

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

Brocante by the water

In the damp greenish light, stalls were being set up on the stone quay and along the picturesque river at Montsoreau. This was a market of about ninety professionals. No baby clothes or plastic toys.  I trawled through the stalls, checking prices, loitering to see what was next out of this van or that, enjoying […]


An Antiques Fair for your diaries

Happy New Year and fingers crossed that this update reaches you and that all IT problems are now resolved.  Huge thanks to Graham.  In this update you will find an entry into the Diary of a Brocanteuse and new stock, along with re-posts of items that were wiped from my website due to hacking. On Sunday, […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

Sleeping Beauty

We drove on to a Groupement d’Antiquaires near Nogent, to see Olivier, Laurent, and Julie the dog. Olivier came round from the back in his work apron and we shook hands. Formal, courteous, gracious. They told me in hushed voices that they were planning to open a shop in a nearby town with a reputation […]


Christmas thoughts – and apologies

With warmest Christmas thoughts and wishes – thank you for your interest and enthusiasm over the past year. Hoping for a year ahead with much foraging and discovering of beautiful delights. A footnote to end the year: I am so sorry that you will have received double mailings recently (there will be one more to […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

Charmed on the road to Le Mans

Other establishments had mushroomed in old warehouses and old farms along the road. We pulled in at the Brocante de Brigitte, remembered from a few years before. It was the same tumble of rooms crammed full, every surface toppling over with the detritus of yesteryear. On to the Brocante de Nadine which looked more appetising. […]


Decorative Living Fair next Saturday, May 16th

The Decorative Living Fair is coming up next Saturday, 16th May 2015. It will held at Eridge Park in the lovely house and grounds. Just south of Tunbridge Wells. There will be an array of marquees as well as stands in the house. You can find me near the café, in the gallery of smaller marquees (with […]
