

Decorative and country antiques, primarily from France, but also Spain and Italy.  Fruitwoods, elm and oak as well as original paint finishes, or respectfully restored traditional paint finishes.

The mood of the 18th and 19th centuries folded in a parchment letter, in the contours of an elegant piece, in the kindly look of portrait, caught in a chandelier or a passing reflection in a mercury mirror.

Travelling to France for the past nineteen years in search of objects of use and beauty to nourish the eye and the heart. “The Diary of a Brocanteuse” takes you along on the journey too.

For the most recent posts have a look at Instagram. If you would like any information do get in touch.

Instagram: gillihanna_antiques

Email: gillihanna@gmail.com

Phone: 44 (0)7771 766055.
