The Diary of a Brocanteuse

But not for sale….

With armoires and buffets stowed with the shipper, and the contents of Sylvie rearranged, we left Avignon and drove up through the Rhone wine region towards Le Puy en Velay to see our friend Francoise. Violent winds rocked the van.  First through vines, then cypress and pine as rain clouds roiled above us. Fortresses and […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

Les feuilles mortes….

We arrived in good time for the Avignon fair next day.  As soon as the gates opened at 8h on the dot, I headed straight to a favourite stand in one of the large halls. A stunning pair of painted console tables stood gloriously together, but the dealer was not yet there.  I perched on […]

Sold Items

French wine cage

French metal wine cage – with padlockable gate. Will hold around 90 bottles (two deep). SOLD.

The Diary of a Brocanteuse


Southern France had been on Orange Alert with “temps chaotique,” chaotic weather. People watched in disbelief as cars were swept away in turbulent rivers. Eerie, transparent and purple jelly fish were washed up on the beach by my hotel. The wind continued to howl. I arrived at the Montpellier deballage late. My alarm had not […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

Provencal colours

The professional markets in the south of France start with a surge of people through the gates at 8h on the dot. Buyers run to bag pieces from their favourite suppliers. Things are pretty frantic for the first hour or so. Shipper’s labels are slapped on commodes and armoires, and documents hurriedly filled out in […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

Random finds

Driving towards Bordeaux with sun flickering through allées of trees along the road, we were due to meet Steve, a dealer I knew from England.  Steve was never short of a tale to tell, and was now single handedly refurbishing a large barn surrounded by apricot trees. We followed him up dark, rickety wooden stairs […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse


A September trip took Graham and I down through France for a scout around the area south of the Dordogne and then to the Mediterranean for the three large Deballages. We left behind a posse of good humoured charity ride cyclists just off the ferry in St Malo, and made for Montreuil Bellay south of […]

Sold Items

Pair of French gilt wood finials

Soft gilded patina to a pair of carved finials. Approximately 20cm high. £62 the pair.


Italian double doored tall cupboard

18th century Italian cupboard with three shelves and chicken wire panelled doors. Original warm yellow finish. Breaks down flat. (The back panels need to be screwed into place as they have lost their notches over the years). Currently available – please enquire.


Italian chandeliers

One of three Italian chandeliers currently at Station Mill. This one has been rewired.


Blue shutters

Two pairs of French shutters in original pale blue, complete with metal work. Worn and distressed. Price: £140 for each pair.



The next trip took Graham and I down through France for a scout around the area south of the Dordogne and then to the Mediterranean for three large markets. We left behind a posse of good humoured charity ride cyclists just off the ferry in St Malo, and made for Montreuil Bellay south of the […]


Country Brocante at Daylesford Farm

The first Country Brocante to be held in the Cotswolds is next Saturday 24th September at Daylesford Farm, Kingham, Gloucestershire GL56 OYG, 9.30am to 5pm. Over 65 dealers and artisans will be setting up shop in marquees at Daylesford. Hope to see you there.

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

A slice of shade

Le Mans yielded an armful of good oil paintings (along with the not unfamiliar poignancy of finding the entire contents of a late artist’s studio spread out on the ground), tall hinged shutters, garden furniture and the usual selection of 19th century household items.  A pile of insect display boxes that happily contained nothing more […]


Cotswold Country Brocante at Daylesford Organic

On September 24th 2016 a one day Country Brocante fair will be held at Daylesford Organic, near Kingham in the Cotswolds, GL56 0YG. I’ll be located in the main marquee. (Daylesford is also holding a Harvest Festival the same day). Tickets available on the door Early Bird 9.30 – 11.30 £12 Standard 11.30 – 5.00 […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

Hot day on the road

Early that July morning I drove to a vide-grenier on the other side of Nogent. Parking outside the Boulangerie was fortunate and, croissant in hand, I walked past the Route Barrée sign towards the market where villagers were steadily laying out their stalls. I feel a quiet delight in village vide-greniers. Things that have indeed […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

“La Connection Humaine”

Back in Belleme, a town of noble houses and winding streets – and many new antiques shops.  I turned to drive beneath the beamed porch of a Brocante that had opened up the year before. The large gravelled courtyard was framed by an imposing house and barns on three sides with views over pasture and […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

A quiet morning in the Perche

Sunday morning, along deep green lanes, just after sunrise. A curve in the road opened onto views of wooded hills and ripe barley. I was back in the Perche in search of both the illustrious and the humble, the cobwebbed and the gilded. By 6.30h people were steadily setting out their goods for the annual […]

Sold Items

Tall French trumeau mirror

Impressive large trumeau panel with replacement mirror plate. 197 cm high x 133 cm wide x 17.5 cm deep. This is currently available at Lorfords – please contact me direct or SOLD.


Back from Provence

Back from Provence with many good things: armoires, Italian chandeliers, enfilade and cupboards, buffets, large mirrors, vibrant paintings and still lives. All to be uploaded very soon.  


Pair of 18th century brass fire dogs

Pair of fire dogs. Currently available – please enquire.

The Diary of a Brocanteuse


In the pitch black 5am frosty morning I scraped my windscreen and drove to a Marché aux Puces further round the lagoon.  This was a regular local market with an array of hum drum plastic and synthetic goods, and yet one or two stalls of interest.  Bundled up beneath hat and scarf an elderly man was […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

En Mediterranée

The café terraces in Place Jean Jaures in Castres were busy.  As we sat in the bright winter sunlight I recognised Raffael from the market at Albi. We shook hands. He lived just outside Castres, he said, would we like to visit his house? He also added that he would be going to the Montpellier […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

Winter grazing in the Tarn

The Marché a la Brocante in Albi is held on Saturdays beneath the large covered market in the Place du Castelviel.  This is no ancient timbered medieval hall but a functional concrete and steel construction.  On a damp January morning everything was in a palette of dull grey.  A group of dealers warmed themselves around […]
