Sold Items

The Blue Van

Oil on canvas with a pre-used backing previously announcing the sale of oysters! SOLD Clear

Sold Items

Fishing boats on a Normandy beach

In subtle tones and with bright green and red colours on boats. SOLD Clear

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

Sailor boys

Off again, direction Angers and beyond. In Le Lion d’Angers I popped into the local antiquaire but regretfully only bought some 1940’s postcards of the town. “Ah, but you have a photo of me there!” he said. The little boy standing in front of the Vieille Eglise, he assured me, was him, several decades before, […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

So French.

The chambre d’hote in question, at Ruillé Froid Fonds, was an ancient farm house, creeper clad, populated with suits of armour, beautiful furniture and an ancient wooden staircase that leaned. I asked Monsieur how long his family had lived in the house. “Just five generations,” he said from beneath his generous moustache. My plan the […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

More dust, more cobwebs.

I like September trips to France, when the hubbub of summer is over but there are still plenty of markets happening. Graham and I set off on a bit of road trip – me in my van and he on his motorbike. 1,300 miles of hot and glorious days, getting grimey and cobwebby, and usually […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

Seaside market

Sunday morning, at a more reasonable hour, was the annual Vide Grenier at Barneville Carteret – two small seaside towns of great charm on either side of an estuary. Highly reminiscent of Jacques Tati’s “Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot” – what a dose of hilarious seaside nostalgia. We parked up in a field and Elizabeth […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse


Elizabeth and I arrived for the auction at 14h, held outside a large shed on Rue de l’Ancien Presbytere, a narrow stone walled lane down the side of the cemetery. A crowd was gathered and soon the spectacle began. The auctioneer, Le Commisseur Priseur, addressed as “Maitre”, took the stand. “Hands up those who didn’t […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

A vide grenier and an unexpected auction.

Madame had set up the automatic coffee machine the night before, and left me a newspaper clipping next to the pots of home-made apricot and greengage jam: an auction of the contents of an antique shop was to be held that afternoon. Good news doesn’t come much better than that! I was en route before […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

Our first stop was an antiques fair at Briquebec.

Our first stop was an antiques fair at Briquebec, a pretty town with ruined castle and the quintessentially French, ivy covered hotel with red awnings nearby. Fairs offer not only the chance to browse all under one roof, but also to meet new dealers and those I had already visited. Madame Lannaud is a delightful […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

Summer trips are easier in every way.

Summer trips are easier in every way. A calm late afternoon Channel crossing with broad horizons of palest greys, gentle clouds and shafts of creamy sun. My dear friend Elizabeth came with me early one July to stay at the lovely manor house near Valognes. The dainty purple and yellow violas were still bobbing amongst […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

The Marche Paul Bert was more lively.

The Marche Paul Bert was more lively, with some beautifully presented stands opening onto the narrow lanes. At lunchtime the dealers, mostly in sheepskin hats, thick coats and scarves, pulled up eighteenth century tables and chairs and sat down to their hot lunches, baguettes, cheeses and bottles of wine. Not a plastic packed sandwich in […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

The next trip however was made in mid-winter.

The next trip however was made in mid-winter, to the well known Paris markets at St Ouen. Whilst I’d had no concerns about leaving a van parked up full of furniture in the countryside, I was less sure about Paris. So I’d booked a hotel with underground car parking. Arriving from Le Havre brought us […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

As I’d been buying pieces…..

As I had been buying pieces, I’d been decanting them into the old barn at the Preuilly house. The morning of our drive up to Cherbourg became a focused exercise: How To Get Everything Back into Moe. Another realisation: two people packing a van will probably have very different ideas of how everything will go […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

I’ve developed a sort of half trance way of looking at markets.

I’ve developed a sort of half trance way of looking at markets. Whilst oblivious to whatever else is going on around me, it is a sort of visual grazing. In order to stop and buy there has to be a positive internal reaction, a “must have it” urge. Over time I have learnt to temper […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

Loches was the venue this time.

Loches was the venue this time. And the white barriers were out across many of the streets with “Route barree” signs scattered around. We weren’t the first to arrive but there was still a good deal of unloading going on. My attention was drawn to an open backed lorry stacked with metal children’s cots, garden […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

The first purchases were made…

The first purchases were made from a dealer with a large showroom, courtyard and barns. The barns were full of items still “dans leur jus” (- in their juice) as the French say, waiting for restoration. I found I was much more interested in the contents of the barns – climbing over obstacles, peering through […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

Getting ready for the first trip…

Getting ready for the first trip over to the house in Preuilly was full of excitement and sleepless nights – I researched markets and dealers around the Touraine, ordered Millers Guides and French parallels. A friend put me in touch with an English dealer who had lived in France – he offered many helpful pointers […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

I’d lived and worked in France…

I’d lived and worked in France, I’d worked as a tour guide, I’d worked as an interior decorator in the past – and this new venture promised to weave so many strands of my life together: the chance to use the language again, to map read, plan itineraries and discover lanes and vistas, staying in […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

I’d really, really like to hire a van…

“I’d really, really like to hire a van and go over to France and buy up loads of brocante….” I’d been saying this for quite some time, years actually when, following a walk in the Derbyshire Dales with my friend Hope, a thrilling plan emerged. Hope’s new partner was selling his house in the centre […]

The Diary of a Brocanteuse

Vague signs were there from early on, I suppose…

Dreaming repeatedly, as a child, about a room – always the same red walled room, my dreamer’s gaze moving slowly around it, taking in detail after detail of how it was arranged. A bed time chapter of “The Borrowers” arousing a sleepy intrigue about the tiny dwelling of those resourceful little people, how they made […]
